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Homeschool Guidance

There are many ways to homeschool, and many opportunities to learn in a variety of environments. Some people choose to follow a purchased curriculum that often attempts to recreate traditional school experiences in the home. Others take a more eclectic approach. I can help you sift through options and build a personalized and well-rounded experience. I can also help with documentation such as Education Plans and Year End Reports to submit to your state or local school district if required.

Options for studies include:

  • Self-designed studies

  • Online courses

  • Prepackaged curricula

  • Homeschool support groups and cooperatives

  • Mentors and private tutors

  • Internships

  • Field trip days specifically created for homeschoolers

  • Gyms that open for homeschoolers

  • Dual enrollment community college courses (for high-school-aged students)

Homeschool Guidance for High School

For parents who are considering homeschooling high school, I can help you understand the expectations for a standard or college-prep diploma, what material should be covered, how to assign grades, and how to document the level of work your student produces. I can also discuss with you the options for standardized tests, both for future applications and for documentation of the level of work your student does. We can work together with your student to create a personalized education plan that allows your student to delve deeply into their interests while also gaining general knowledge and skills.